Spring Budget 2023
The Chancellor announced plans to change excise duty rates from August this year in his Budget Statement. Changes include:
- Alcohol excise duty will increase by RPI from 1st August – this will be a 10.1% increase.
………. - Alcohol Duty Reforms (ADR) proposals will go ahead and these new rates have been applied to the ADR structure – see links for all duty rates.
………. - Draught discount has been increased to give greater support to hospitality;
– Draught beer and cider moves from 5% to 9.2% discount.
– Draught wine and other fermented beverages (including flavoured ciders) moves from 20% to 23% discount.
Full details of the announcement can be found here:
Spring Budget 2023 – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Print_Budget_2023.pdf (publishing.service.gov.uk)
Details of all alcohol duty rates from 1st August 2023 can be found here:
Annex A: rates and allowances – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)