Dunkerton’s Organic Perry Poached Pear
Thanks to the Fuss Free Foodie for her latest creation with Dunkertons Organic Perry
Dunkertons Organic Perry Poached Pear (Serves 4)
- 2 bottles of Dunkertons organic perry (1 Litre / 2 x 500ml Bottles)
- 300g caster sugar
- 4 seasonal pears
- 1 cinnamon stick
- Pared zest of a lemon
- 1 tsp pink peppercorns
- 6 rasps of fresh nutmeg
- Crème fraȋche
- ½ lemon
- Pour the 2 bottles of perry into a medium sized saucepan.
- Add the cinnamon stick, lemon, peppercorns, nutmeg and caster sugar to the pan.
- Gently stir and melt the sugar on a low medium heat for a minute.
- Peel the pear with a vegetable peeler, leaving the stalk in tact. Then rub it with the lemon to prevent it going brown.
- Gently lower the pears into the perry liquor and poach for 25 minutes or until the pear is soft and a cocktail stick is inserted easily into the pear.
- Take the pears out of the pan and place aside on a plate. Simmer the cooking liquor on a medium to high heat for 45 minutes to 1 hour until the liquid reduces into a syrup.
- Strain the aromatics out of the syrup through a sieve. Place a pear on a plate . Drizzle over some syrup and serve with a spoon of crème fraȋche.
Any leftover syrup will be delicious served over ice cream or swirled through a cheesecake.
Click here to watch on youtube. Alternatively, click here to have a look at other recipes by The Fuss Free Foodie involving ciders from our members!